We’re pleased to announce that the VEDC Entrepreneur Center, a recent addition to the C! client roster, has already gotten two award-winning projects out of Counterintuity’s handiwork. “While The Entrepreneur Center is owned by a national non-profit, VEDC, it is in essence a new business,” says Warren Cooley, managing director of the Center. “It’s a 13,800 square foot building, located on a major thoroughfare, Van Nuys Boulevard, in an underserved part of the City of Los Angeles (Northeast San Fernando Valley), offering a range of programs and co-working space for businesses – all of this by design! Critical to the Center’s success, however, will be electronic media, with the primary platform being an interactive website. Thanks to Counterintuity, we have a first-rate website and social media tools.” Mr. Cooley wasn’t the only one impressed by our site – the Communicator Awards granted it an Award of Excellence for a Website in the Charitable Organizations / Non-Profit category. What helped us to get this website just right? A tour of the client’s beautiful building! Built in Pacoima only one year ago, the Entrepreneur Center’s bright colors and distinctive look made an impression before we even walked through the door. “The initial inspiration for our design work was the architecture of the building,” says our designer, Val. “We took a tour and then I did a little more research and found the architect who designed the building. He described their inspiration of a famous artist and then we designed the website to show that off. The website was a representation of the building – bold colors, very minimalist – and that was the inspiration for the architect and the artist who inspired him. Their building was like a piece of art, so we replicated that.” We stuck to that same theme when creating...
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